MGA Times
The MGA Times is the regular newsletter of the Maize Growers Association. The Times provides information on the goings on of the MGA as well as news of our and others research and development programmes. An archive of past copies is contained on this page and is available to members and non members of the association.
MGA Times December 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
In this issue:
- Getting ready for maize in 2009—Simon Draper.
- Irish Recommended Variety list—John Morgan.
- European maize meeting report—John Morgan.
- MGA Conference date.
- MGA Mineral.
- Silage Analysis.
- Soil Analysis.
MGA Times October 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
In this issue:
- Harvesting maize in wet conditions.—Simon Draper
- Mature or immature maize to feed.—Chris Savery
- The importance of optimising yields.—John Morgan
- Diabrotica Update 2008
- Benefits of wholecrop for wildlife.—Gethin Davies
- NVZ latest information.—John Morgan
MGA Times August 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
In this issue:
- Maize dry matter guide.
- Governments responseto NVZ consultation—John Morgan.
- Maize under plastic—John Whitby.
- Maize dry down rates—Briony Lennox.
MGA Times July 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
In this issue:
- New DM recommendations for forage maize—John Morgan.
- Maize silage additives—Chris Savery.
- Catch cropping after maize—Simon Draper.
- Fertiliser requirements for winter cereals—David Munday.
MGA Times May 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
In this issue:
- Feed prices—Where next? - Chris Savery.
- Post emergence sprays - Simon Draper.
- Mycotoxins explained - John Morgan.
- Membership Email update.
- Slugs.
MGA Times April 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
In this issue:-
- 2008 Conference papers.
- Getting ready for maize in 2008—Simon Draper.
- Demonstration meeting report.
- Biogas Conference.
MGA Times February 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
In this issue:
- Maize & Wholecrop for beef—Chris Savery.
- The Value of organic manures—John Morgan.
- Conference programme.
- Nitrogen predictor form.
MGA Times January 2008
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
In this issue:
- MGA's 20th year annual Maize Conference.
- MGA variety booklet.
MGA Times November 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
In this issue:
- Feeding maize—Chris Savery
- Seed dressings—Simon Draper
- Meeting report
- Starter fertiliser
- Analysis
- Forage costs—John Morgan
- Date for Maize conference 2008
MGA Times October 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
In this issue:
- European Maize Meeting report—John Morgan.
- Grain maize survey.
- Cross Compliance Review.
- Demonstration meeting—November 15th.
- Mineral reminder.
- Analysis reminder.
- MGA Germany trip.
MGA Times August 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
In this issue:
- NVZ consultation
- Demonstration meeting report
- Dry matter
MGA Times July 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
In this issue:
- Last minute herbicide applications—Simon Draper.
- Feeding cows in this wet weather—Chris Savery.
- Demonstration invitation.
- Maize crop growth around the Country.
MGA Times June 2007
Friday, June 1, 2007
In this Issue:
- Wholecrop cereals, what value in the diet?—Chris Savery.
- Cereals 2007 report.
- Climate change.
- Cost comparison table.
- Grain maize demonstration meeting.
- Biogas update.
- US maize crop report.
MGA Times May 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
In this issue:
- Post emergence sprays for maize—Simon Draper.
- Cereals 2007.
- Grain maize demonstration site.
- Top dressing maize.
- Diabrotica consultation.
- Maize drilling around thecountry.
MGA Times April 2007
Sunday, April 1, 2007
In this issue:
- Grass silage—What’s required? - Chris Savery.
- Maize Drilling tips - Simon Draper.
- Weed spray star chart
- Catchment sensitive farming.
- Look out for Lapwings.
- The N Predictor explained.
- Manures on maize
MGA Times March 2007
Thursday, March 1, 2007
In this issue:
- Wholecrop conference report.
- Maize conference report.
- Nitrogen predictor form.
- Seed rates & seed dressing note.
MGA Times January 2007
Monday, January 1, 2007
In this issue:
- Wholecrop conference invitation.
- Maize conference invitation.
- Maize Variety Selector.
- Send a Cow donationform.
- Nutrient “Opportunity or Overload” - John Morgan explains.
- NVZ-N loading limits.
MGA Times December 2006
Friday, December 1, 2006
In this issue:
- Variety booklet 2007.
- Harvesting, drying and marketing grain maize—Neil Groom.
- Understanding silage analysis—Chris Savery.
- Conference dates.
MGA Times October 2006
Sunday, October 1, 2006
In this issue:
- MGA Minerals update.
- Dairy Event report.
- Drill demonstration results.
- EMM Report.
- Clamp density calculations.
- Invitation to Elveden Farms.
- Diary Dates.
MGA Times September 2006
Friday, September 1, 2006
In this issue:
- Top ten tips for after harvest—Simon Draper.
- Buffer feeding this Autumn—Chris Savery.
- Silage analysis.
- Dairy Event 2006.
- Diary dates.
- Fertiliser security rules.
MGA Times August 2006
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
In this issue:
- Message from Chairman Graeme Cook.
- Diabrotica update 2006.
MGA Times June 2006
Thursday, June 1, 2006
In this issue:
- Soil protection review.
- Late season weed control 2006—Simon Draper.
- Observations on the LINK project—Angus Golightly.
- Best use of maize & wholecrop over summer—Chris Savery.
- Maize drilling demonstrations—update.
- Cereals 2006 report.
- Websites of the Month.
- Diary dates.
MGA Times May 2006
Monday, May 1, 2006
In this issue:
- Weed control 2006—Simon Draper.
- Wholecrop Conference report.
- Best use of maize & wholecrop over summer—ChrisSavery.
- Maize drilling demonstrations.
- Cereals 2006.
- Websites of the Month.
- Diary dates.
MGA Times March 2006
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
In this issue:
- Maize drilling 2006—Simon Draper.
- Conference reports.
- Maize establishment tips.
- Nitrogen Predictor forms.
- Minimising soil management problems—GordonSpoor.
MGA Times September 2004
Wednesday, September 1, 2004