How much maize have I got?
Saturday, July 7, 2012
John Morgan has produced a useful guide to calculating the likely yield of your maize crop this year. Using plant populations and estimating the compensatory growth of the plants we can "guestimate" the yield you might expect this year. This article can be found in the Agronomy section of the website.
The cold and wet weather during the spring and summer has put many maize crops under pressure with concerns now being raised as to the yield and quality of the forage that will be harvested. With options of home grown or even purchased wholecrop still available now is the time to work out where you stand.
How much maize will I get?
This year’s maize yields are under threat due to the cold and wet conditions. Early drilled maize, where it got away before the rain, has to a large extent stalled. That drilled early into soils that have subsequently capped has struggled to breakthrough with plant populations severely hit in some cases. Later drilled maize has avoided the early pitfalls but it is also struggling to grow in far from ideal conditions. All the above will at best delay maize harvest but in many cases will also impact on crop yield.