Tuesday, January 14, 2020
The MGA are running a photo competition to win a complimentary ticket to the Maize Conference in February.
The Maize Growers Association (MGA) are looking for great photos of over-winter maize field management, including:
- Post-harvest cultivation
- Post-harvest crop establishment, e.g. cereal, hybrid rye
- Post-harvest catch/cover crops to aid over-winter nutrient retention and improve soil organic matter, pre a 2020 maize crop
- Undersown cover crop, either at time of drilling or at 6-8 leaf stage
Or other management options not included above.
Entries must be emailed to Sarah at by Wednesday 29th January 2020, and must be accompanied by a description (the more, the better). We will decide on a winner before the 31st January. Please note that, by sending a photo, you are giving the MGA permission to use it for publicity purposes; we will credit you when the photo is used. The MGA will not keep your contact details unless you are an existing MGA member or choose to become one, although the general location of the sender and date taken will be kept in order to reference the photo in the future, unless you state explicitly that you would prefer it not to be.
For more information, please call 01363 775040 or email the above address.