

Growing economical and environmentally sustainable yields of top quality maize remain a key requirement of growers be that for grain, silage or biogas production.   MGA Agronomy resources continue to provide technical advice aimed at growing great crops at a cost that ensures members maximise returns. MGA agronomy advice includes information on variety choice, seedbed preparation, weed control and harvest etc.  MGA agronomist advice is available free to members.


Resources: Agronomy

Case Study: John Cottle

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case study on the farming techniques of MGA council member, John Cottle

Effects of Weather on Maize Yield

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A technical article from Mike Wilkinson on the effects of different weather patterns on maize yield

Maize Eyespot

Friday, June 14, 2019

A technical note from Simon explaining how to manage maize eyespot

Forage Cost Comparison Table

Friday, June 14, 2019

The cost comparison table has been updated for 2019

Post-Harvest Cover or Catch Crops

Friday, June 14, 2019

A technical note from John on choosing and implementing cover crops

Drilling Maize in 2019

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Some top tips for drilling maize this year from Simon Draper

Silage Additives

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Some background from Mike Wilkinson on the use of silage additives

Trials Update

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

An update on the status of the MGA small plot trials so far by Sarah


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A note from John Morgan on undersowing

Nitrogen Predictor Form

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Our N Predictor Data Entry Form has had a revamp - hopefully it is a little more user-friendly and now allows for more options when recording organic nitrogen that has previously been applied.

Please print off or fill in a copy and post or email to Sarah in the office; we will aim to respond to you quickly as we can.

Urease Inhibitors Factsheet

Friday, March 29, 2019

Placed Phosphate

Friday, March 29, 2019

Trial Results Conference Paper 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Neil Groom and Oliver Knowland explored the results of the 2018 trials in this presentation. Take a look at what we found out.

Drone Agronomy Conference Paper 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Take a look at what our speaker Craig Green thought about the use of drones in maize agronomy.

Precision Nutrient Application Research Conference Paper 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Take a look at the research results from Denmark for different methods of precision nutrient application presented by our speaker Leif Knudsen.

Navigating Brexit Conference Paper 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Have a read of the NFU's actions and outlook with regards to Brexit and find out what it all means for farmers with Tori Morgan's presentation.

European maize meeting report

Thursday, November 1, 2018

In early September John Morgan and Simon Draper attended the European Maize Meeting (EMM), this year held in Belgium, on behalf of the MGA.  The meeting, hosted jointly by the Belgian maize  organisations, Uclouvain and CIPF, was held in Gembloux, approximately 50 km south east of Brussels and as in the past consisted of three elements.

 A classroom-based session when the Status of the Maize Crop in different countries was outlined by our hosts.

 This year’s chosen subject was Undersowing and the Impact of Undersowing on Nutrient and Soil retention.

Moving silage

Thursday, November 1, 2018


In his latest Technical Note for MGA members, Mike Wilkinson outlines procedures for moving silage from one place to another prior to use.  Mike can be contacted via the MGA office.

 Silage is in short supply and may have to be moved from one site to another before use. The material may have been stored in a bunker or temporary unwalled heap (field clamp or pile) some distance from place of use because existing silo capacity was inadequate, or because insufficient silage was made on site to meet demand.

Costs of production

Monday, August 20, 2018

The latest in the Costs of Forage Production series is based on average yields and quality.  Costs of production are assume contractors undertaking establishment and annual management tasks with crop nutrients being supplied by straight inorganic (bagged) fertiliser.  No feed out costs or waste are included. 


Westerwolds offer a real opportunity

Monday, August 20, 2018

The hot, dry conditions have hit/ obliterated most second and third cut silages, as well as impacting on many maize crops, to the point that many growers are currently short of grazed grass as well as being down on forage stocks for the winter.  The likely early harvest of maize this autumn and recent rain does offer some opportunities to fill the forage gaps, as do extending grazing in the autumn and hopefully next spring. 

Maize Heat units 2018

Monday, August 20, 2018

Data received from MGA corporate members Grainseed ltd this week makes fascinating reading.  Using metrological office data, the team have completed Maize Heat Unit (MHU) calculations for different regions of the country, which along with sunshine and rainfall data the MHU data goes a long way to explain the huge variation in maize crops across the country.

Maize heat units attempt to quantify the “useful growing units” for maize and are based on average daily temperatures (minus 6 degrees) for each month.  The 2018 MHU’s, sunshine and rainfall data have been compared with the 30 year averages.

Droughted maize - Don't panic yet

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Costs of Forage Production (June 2018)

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Average growing costs for Grazed Grass, Silage, Maize with and without film, Wholecrop, Fodder Beet, Kale, Stubble Turnips can be viewed and downloaded.

Getting ready for maize 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018

Producing a seedbed

As a result of the wet, cold and snowy conditions throughout so much of the country during February and March, establishing this year’s maize seed bed will inevitably be a challenge for many.  The good news is that if fields have been ploughed there should have been sufficient frost action to enable the generation of a seedbed without resorting to the power harrow.  The aim has to be to develop a seed bed that allows roots to get down to depth quickly, without hindrance of pans which can result, as a consequence of using power harrows in the wrong circumstances.

MGA Trials programme 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018

Last week saw the approval of the 2018 MGA research programme, the field work of which will take place during the upcoming growing season.  Results will be presented at the next MGA conference (2019).  The results for the 2017 trials are now on line.

What and why? – Using data from last summers membership survey and consultation within the MGA council, Simon Draper has coordinated the production of a set of Research Proposals which have been sent to  contractors for quotations.  Quotes are now in and tenders offered. 

During 2018 we propose to run trials ranging from weed control to crop nutrition.  The MGA research programme runs alongside work being undertaken on behalf of the British Society of Plant Breeders BSPB (partly funded by the MGA) into maize variety testing and disease tolerance.

Nitrogen Predictor Form

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Nigtrogen Predictor Form - Download and return to the MGA office

MGA Herbicide trial report 2017

Monday, March 12, 2018

Fertiliser trial report 2017

Monday, March 12, 2018

Maize Charter - CSF Case Study No1

Sunday, February 25, 2018

With support from Catchment Sensitive  Farming (CSF) we have revisited research, demonstration and advisory work done along  with CSF over recent years and produced case studies summarising the key lessons learnt.   

This Case Study focuses on the Dorset Maize Charter 

Undersowing Maize - CSF Case Study No2

Sunday, February 25, 2018

With support from Catchment Sensitive  Farming (CSF) we have revisited research, demonstration and advisory work done along  with CSF over recent years and produced case studies summarising the key lessons learnt.   

This Case Study focuses on undersowing maize to retain nutrient and soil over the subsequent winter period. 

MGA Eyespot update

Friday, July 21, 2017

Eyespot can be identified on the crop in the initial phases as nail head sized, circular brown spots surrounded by a yellow halo. The spots coalesce and join up with adjacent lesions, to eventually cause the whole leaf to turn brown and die.

MGA Cover crop trial results

Friday, July 21, 2017

With whole crop barley and rye harvest completed and wholecrop wheat underway for many growers there is a good opportunity to grow a catch or cover crop and benefit from extra grazing or improvements to soil organic matter and nutrient retention.

Key to success is treating the cover as a crop and drilling it properly rather than spinning it on and hoping that it rains and the seed chits and grows. Some early nitrogen can also kick the crop on and ensure good early growth if field nutrient status is low.

MGA weed star chart 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017

Getting ready for maize 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Over 50% of a good crop of maize is to do with having good soil structure and no matter what variety or fertiliser options are chosen, if the soil structure is poor, a poor yield will result.

To read Simon's latest thoughts on the 2017 maize season, please see attached pdf.

2016 MGA Trials report

Monday, March 27, 2017

Main sponsor Syngenta

Friday, March 3, 2017

Main Sponsor BOCK UK

Friday, March 3, 2017

MGA Herbicide trial results

Friday, March 3, 2017

Gayton trial results

Friday, March 3, 2017

Reducing the risk of runoff from autumn wheelings

Friday, September 16, 2016

An email back in the spring from ADAS senior researcher Dr Martyn Silgram was the catalyst for this short technical note on the potential to reduce soil compaction and the resultant water, sediment and associated agro chemicals runoff from tractor and trailer wheelings in the autumn, by using the right tyres and some innovative kit. 

Key Maize harvest tips

Friday, September 16, 2016

The warm dry weather means that the maize crops continue to romp through their growth stages and that harvest will soon be upon us.  With this in mind I have had a quick scan through past harvest guides to come up with what I hope will be some useful timely reminders.

Cover crops for water protection

Friday, September 16, 2016

MGA Introduction


As part of the MGA on-going attempts to further increase the sustainability of maize growing we have asked Tim Stephens of Wessex water to set out and explain the on farm research/demonstration work he and the company are doing.



In response to rising levels of nitrates and pesticides in surface and ground waters, Wessex Water has been working with farmers in high-risk catchments across Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset for the past 11 years. The aim of this is to make sure that drinking water and environmental standards are not breached. A team of Catchment Advisers carry out a range of activities including free soil, water, crop and manure sampling, provision of agronomic advice and in some cases, funding for farmers to adopt practices that improve water quality. Nitrate (N) leaching during the winter period is a major issue across many catchments. One of the most common practices promoted by Wessex Water to reduce this is the growing of cover crops as an alternative to bare overwinter maize or cereal stubbles.